In 2017, the Fair Work Commission ruled to cut Sunday and Public Holiday penalty rates in the Retail Award.
The SDA, the union for retail workers fought against these cuts every step of the way. When the Retail Award was first introduced, it was the SDA that won them for workers when employer lobby groups tried to cut them.
The SDA ran a lengthy and comprehensive case against reductions to penalty rates as part of the Fair Work Commission’s review.
Following the Fair Work Commission’s unfair decision, the SDA challenged the ruling with United Voice, the union for hospitality workers, and took it all the way to the Federal Court.
While the challenge was unsuccessful, the SDA continues to campaign against these cuts to restore penalty rates.
You can join SDA members in the campaign to Protect Penalty Rates here.
What are the changes?
Sunday penalty rates will change from:
200% to 150% for full-time and part-time employees
200% to 175% for casuals
The reduction in Sunday penalty rates are being phased in as follows:
1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 195%
1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 180%
1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 165%
1 July 2020 onwards 150%
On 1 July 2017 public holiday penalty rates changed from:
250% to 225% for full-time and part-time employees
275/250% to 250% for casuals.